Before you Go Play get

How do you know the playgrounds are safe?
According to the CDC, more than 200,000 children are rushed to the emergency room every year for playground related injuries. Of the 200,000 emergency room visits, more than 10% undergo treatment for a variety of head injuries such as traumatic brain injury or concussion.
Standards state the playground surfacing should fall below the impact threshold of 200 Peak G’s and 1000 HIC. But what does this mean? 200 Peak G’s and 1000 HIC (Head Injury Criteria), means a head injury risk of 3% critical, 18% severe (life-threatening), 55% serious, 89% moderate, and 10% risk of skull fracture and likely a significant long bone fracture.
Alpha Automation, Inc. has been developing and manufacturing impact test systems for over 30 years. The TRIAX systems have been and continue to be the absolute leaders and gold standard for compliance. Today TRIAX brings the GfactorGO, a portable and easy to use test device putting decision-making capability in the hands of the responsible persons.
TheGfactorGO, is the affordable, accurate and wireless hand operated device that allows anyone to determine the values for Peak G’s (acceleration due to gravity) and HIC (Head Injury Criteria)
The GfactorGO provides data instantly in the field. No need to go back to the office to view results
Report generation allows records to be kept and reviewed to adjust maintenance schedule
Backed by the same company that brought you the TRIAX2015 and TRIAXTOUCH, the GfactorGO excels in customer service